Thursday, October 8, 2020

Film Clip Presentations

 Analyse how the camera, mise en scene, sound and editing create meaning. Use film language and discuss what, how and why.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Blog list and Homeworks

Here is a list of the tasks we've done, homework and assessments and the notes you've taken for you to post on your blog.

Term 1A - Intro to film studies and film language

Term 1B
  • Set up Slumdog google slides (posters and trailers) 
  • Mumbai and Dharavi research 
ALSO did you manage to upload any of your images or videos? Adobe Rush is a free app for your phones otherwise there are a few some of you are familiar with that you can share. I know editing on your phones is not the same but it's only a little clip. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2020


STOPS what do these mean? Give an example of when these may be used.

Screen time


Order of Narrative


Special Effects

Monday, September 21, 2020

Best trailers of all time

Choose a trailer from this list

Then get the embed code from youtube and post into a new blog post. You will be applying film language to this clip. 250 words on how camera, mise en scene and semiotics has been used to create meaning in this clip. 
